Awesome WebExtensions Awesome

A curated list of awesome resources for WebExtensions development.

WebExtensions are a cross-browser system for developing browser add-ons. To a large extent the system is compatible with the extension API supported by Google Chrome. Extensions written for this browser will in most cases run in Firefox with just a few changes.

Follow @fregante for more webext-related news.


Getting started


Libraries and Frameworks

Code meant become part of the extension.


Apps that help you manage your extensions.

  • Chrome Webstore Upload - Upload the extension to the Chrome Web Store via cli (or on Travis, automatically).
  • mozilla/web-ext - Command line tool to help build, run, and test WebExtensions.
  • chromepet - Get notified when your new version has been published.
  • chrome-ext-downloader - Download any extension on Chrome Web Store to see how they do it.
  • chrome-store-api - Chrome Web Store API wrapper.
  • Chrome extension source viewer - WebExtension to view source code of extensions directly on the store.
  • @wext/shipit - Tool to automatically publish to Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Addons and Opera Addons.
  • wext-manifest-loader - Webpack loader that lets you specify manifest.json properties to appear only in specific browsers.
  • webextension-manifest-loader - Webpack loader that loads browser tailored manifest.json. It also imports all importable properties, allowing you to have 'manifest.json' as your only webpack entry point.
  • webpack-extension-reloader - A Webpack plugin to automatically reload browser extensions during development.
  • webpack-target-webextension - Adds code-splitting support to WebExtensions build with Webpack.
  • Extension.js - Plug-and-play, zero-config, cross-browser extension development tool.



Sample Extensions

These are simple and modern WebExtensions repositories that could help you figure out where pieces go, including automatic deployment via Travis CI.