Awesome Angular

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Awesome Angular Awesome

This is the original Awesome list of the Angular framework. This repository contains intriguing libraries and repos in the Angular ecosystem for both inexperienced and seasoned developers.

Current Angular version:

npm version

Table of contents:


Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.

Official Resources


Angular Team on Twitter

Experts on Twitter

List of Angular experts you should follow on Twitter (in no particular order). This list is by no means complete.


Server-Side Rendering

Material Design



Angular CLI


  • Webpack
  • ESBuild
  • Nx - Smart Monorepos · Fast CI
  • Angular Builders - This repo consolidates all the community builders (ES Build, Webpack, Jest, Bazel, and Timestamp) for the Angular build facade.
  • Jest Builder - Jest builder for Angular build facade
  • Custom Webpack - custom webpack
  • Custom ESBuild - Allows custom esbuild configuration.
  • Bazel - Provides an Angular CLI Builder, which can execute Bazel when triggered by ng build, ng test, etc.
  • Timestamp - This is explained in this article.
  • ngx-build-plus - Extend the Angular CLI's default build behavior without ejecting, e. g. for Angular Elements.
  • ng-process-env - Angular schematics and builder to retrieve values from System Environment (OS) variables and update relevant environment.ts file.
  • ngx-electronify - Angular CLI builder that runs your application in the desktop using Electron.
  • dotenv-run - Seamlessly load environment variables. Supports cli, esbuild, rollup, vite, webpack, angular, ESM and Monorepos.
  • ng-packagr - Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF).

YouTube Channels

Style Guides


On-Site Training

Online Training


  • GraphQL + Angular - Caching GraphQL client for Angular and every GraphQL server
  • ckeditor5-angular - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Angular 2+
  • ckeditor4-angular - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor component for Angular 2+
  • TailwindCSS + Angular - Integrate Angular app with Tailwind
  • Sentry - Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform.
  • Stencil - Stencil can generate Angular component wrappers for your web components. This can improve Angular performance.
  • GoodData - Integrate GoodData Visualizations into your Angular application.
  • DataDog - With the Datadog Angular integration, you can resolve performance issues quickly.
  • Elastic - Real User Monitoring JavaScript agent with Angular applications.
  • HyperFormula - HyperFormula is a headless spreadsheet built in TypeScript, serving as both a parser and evaluator of spreadsheet formulas. It can be integrated into your browser.
  • Strich - STRICH is a JavaScript library for real-time, multi-format barcode scanning directly in the web browser.
  • Pega - Angular SDK includes a bridge and DX components that connect the ConstellationJS Engine to an Angular-based design system.
  • Genesis Foundation - Genesis is a low-code platform designed specifically for the financial markets.
  • ngx-google-analytics - A simple Google analytics integration for Angular apps.
  • cloudinary - Angular SDK from Cloudinary.
  • angular-sdk - Angular library used to integrate with Descope.
  • angular-electron - Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Electron
  • Postcat - A lightweight, extensible API tool based on Angular and Electron.
  • angulardart-community - The next-generation AngularDart documentation website.
  • NativeScript - NativeScript provides platform APIs directly to the JavaScript runtime (with strong types) for a rich TypeScript development experience.
  • Bit - Leverage Bit to build composable software.

Site Templates

  • ngx-admin - Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
  • ng-matero - Angular Material admin dashboard template.
  • coreui-free-angular-admin-template - CoreUI Angular is free Angular 17 admin template based on Bootstrap 5
  • sakai-ng - Free Angular Admin Template by PrimeNG
  • angular-template-for-threejs - Angular Template For Three.js
  • lemon-mart - Angular Template App with a Router-first architecture
  • devextreme-angular-template - Responsive Application Layout Templates​ based on DevExtreme Angular Components
  • QuickApp - ASP.NET Core / Angular startup project template with complete login, user and role management. Plus other useful services for Quick Application Development.
  • angular-template-for-threejs - Angular Template For Three.js
  • material-pro-angular-lite - MaterialPro Angular Lite is high quality free angular material template / theme from WrapPixel. You can download and use for Personal as well as Commercial Projects.
  • Angular-V17-Template - A template designed for Angular 17 that emphasizes clean code practices and test-friendly development.
  • angular-quickstart - A bare-bones Angular template to get you deployed to Netlify fast!
  • sap-fiori-templates - SAP BTP & Fiori App templates implemented with third-party frontend frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular.
  • template-angular - Phaser 3 TypeScript project template that uses the Angular framework and Vite for bundling.
  • angular-nest - Simple web app template with Angular v17 + NestJS v9 + ng-openapi-gen.
  • gradient-able-free-admin-template - Gradient able free bootstrap, angular, react admin template
  • angular-ngrx-frontend - Angular NgRx powered frontend template for Symfony (or similar) backend.
  • Threejs - New Three.js starter app


  • Node.js
    • teleport-code-generators - A collection of code generators for modern JavaScript applications
    • graphql-code-generator - A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), with flexible support for custom plugins.
    • nx - The Nx Plugin for Angular contains executors, generators, and utilities for managing Angular applications and libraries within an Nx workspace. It also enables using Angular Devkit builders and schematics in Nx workspaces.
    • workik - AI Angular code generator that supports all Angular frameworks and libraries.
    • generator-jhipster-ionic - You can use it to generate an Ionic app that talks to a JHipster backend.
    • angularx-qrcode - A fast and easy-to-use Ivy compatible Ionic and Angular QR Code Generator library
  • Spring Boot
    • - Generate Spring Boot apps with custom database, Angular frontend and CRUD functionality
    • JHipster - Open source app generator for Spring Boot and Angular

Documentation tools

  • Storybook- The UI development environment you'll love to use
  • Compodoc - The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
  • ng-doc - The documentation engine for Angular projects
  • docgeni - A modern, powerful and out of the box documentation generator for Angular components lib and markdown docs.

Developer tools

  • StackBlitz - Instant Dev Environments
  • CodeSandbox - An online IDE and prototyping tool for rapid Angular development.
  • Bugfender - A cloud service to collect logs and Angular errors in Real-Time.
  • Angular Dev Tools - Angular DevTools is a Chrome extension that provides debugging and profiling capabilities for Angular applications.
  • Scuri Code - A VS Code extention that will generate and maintain seeds for your unit tests.
  • Redux DevTools - Can be used in combination with @ngrx/store-devtools to inspect the state of your NgRx app.
  • Ionic VS Code Extension - Perform various functions that are common to developing an Ionic app, all without leaving your VS Code window.
  • Angular Schematics - Ultimate code generation in Visual Studio Code.
  • Angular 17 Snippets - 258 Angular Snippets (TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, Flex Layout, NgRx, RxJS, PWA & Testing)

Third Party Components


  • tsparticles - A component to easily add Particles animations to your Angular application.
  • ngx-confetti-explosion - Confetti in Angular
  • angular-animations - Easy, Reusable Animation Utility library for Angular.
  • ngx-lottie - Fully customizable Angular component for rendering After Effects animations. Compatible with Angular 9+.
  • angular-animations-explorer - A resource to showcase the different animations that you could do with Angular.
  • ngx-notation-reveal - Angular component to add rough notation animation when element is visible.
  • ngx-typed2 - An Angular Typing Animation Library.



  • ng2-charts Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js
  • ngx-charts - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond!
  • ng-apexcharts - Angular wrapper for ApexCharts to build interactive visualizations in Angular 7+.
  • ng-chartist - Angular component for Chartist.js
  • org-chart - Highly customizable org chart. Integrations available for Angular, React, and Vue.
  • ag-charts - Fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript charting library.
  • systelab-charts - Systelab Angular Chart services
  • ngx-gantt - A modern and powerful gantt chart component for Angular
  • carbon-charts - Carbon Charts Angular is a thin Angular wrapper around the vanilla JavaScript @carbon/charts component library.


  • ng2-dragula - Drag and Drop so simple it hurts!
  • ngx-drag-drop - Angular directives using the native HTML Drag And Drop API
  • ngx-dropzone - The missing file input component for Angular Material.
  • ng-dnd - Drag and Drop for Angular
  • ngx-file-drag-drop - Angular material file input component which lets the user drag and drop files, or select files with the native file picker.
  • angular cdk - The @angular/cdk/drag-drop module provides you with a way to easily and declaratively create drag-and-drop interfaces.

Editor Components

File Upload

  • ng2-file-upload Easy to use file upload directives
  • ngx-awesome-uploader Angular Library for uploading files. It supports: File Upload and Preview (additionally preview images with lightbox), validation, image cropper , drag and drop with multi language support.
  • ngx-flow - Angular7+ wrapper for flow.js for file upload

Form Controls


  • angular2-fontawesome - Angular2 Components and Directives for FontAwesome.
  • ng2-fontawesome- A small directive making font awesome even easier to use.
  • ngx-icon-blur - An Angular component that can be used to create a frosted glass effect for icons.
  • ng-icons - The ultimate icon library for Angular.
  • primeicons - PrimeIcons is the default icon library of PrimeNG with over 250 open source icons developed by PrimeTek.
  • angular-svg-icon - Angular component and service for inlining SVGs allowing them to be easily styled with CSS.

Keyboard Mouse

Layout Components

  • @robingenz/ngx-infinite-scroll Simple Angular directive for infinite scrolling.
  • angular-fullpage Official component for fullPage.js, a fullscreen scrolling library.
  • angular-split Angular split component
  • ngx-infinite-scroll - Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular
  • egjs-infinitegrid - Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry for Angular.
  • ngx-scrolltop - Lightweight, Material Design inspired button for scroll-to-top of the page. 🔼 No dependencies. Pure Angular! (Compatibility: Angular 9, Ivy, Universal, ng add)




  • ngx-sweetalert2 - Declarative, reactive, and template-driven SweetAlert2 integration for Angular.
  • ngx-toastr - Notifications/Toastr
  • hot-toast - Smoking hot toast notifications for Angular.
  • ngx-sonner - An opinionated toast component for Angular. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
  • ngx-awesome-popup - Angular dialog modal framework (Confirmation box, Alert box, Toast notification and Cookie banner).
  • angular-bootstrap-toast-service - Angular project for sending Bootstrap based toast notifications including Vercel deployment.
  • angular2-notifications - A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular.

State Management

  • angular2-jwt - Library for sending authenticated HTTP requests and decoding JWTs
  • universal-model-angular - Store and state management for Angular
  • ng-http-caching - Cache for HTTP requests in Angular application.
  • akita - A Reactive State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
  • ng-simple-state - Simple state management in Angular with only Services and RxJS.
  • exome - Simple proxy based state manager for deeply nested states, works with Angular Signals and RxJS.
  • ngxs - NGXS tries to make things as simple and accessible as possible with less boilerplate and code to maintain.
  • ngrx - Reactive State for Angular
  • rx-angular - RxAngular offers a toolkit for handling fully reactive apps with the main focus on runtime performance, template rendering, and developer experience.
  • query - Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web.
  • elf - A reactive immutable state management solution built on top of RxJS. It uses custom RxJS operators to query the state and pure functions to update it.
  • state-adapt - Declarative, incremental state management library
  • ngx-signal-state - Opinionated simple state management for Angular
  • mini-rx-store - MiniRx is the reactive state management platform.


  • ag-grid - The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React, Angular, Vue and Plain JavaScript.
  • ignite-ui-angular's grid - The data grid, tree grid, hierarchical grid in Ignite UI for Angular provide excel-style filtering, live-data, sorting, draggable row and other toolbar.
  • sheetjs - SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
  • ngx-easy-table - The Easiest Angular Table. 12kb gzipped! Tree-shakeable. 55 features and growing!
  • active-table - Framework agnostic table component for editable data experience.
  • jsgrids - A comparison tool to compare JavaScript data grid and spreadsheet libraries. Find even more libraries here.

UI Libraries

  • Dev Extreme - Feature-Complete 65+ Angular Component Suite
  • Syncfusion - The Complete Angular Components Library.
  • Nebular - Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System
  • NG ZORRO MOBILE - An enterprise-class mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular.
  • NG ZORRO - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular.
  • ngx-ui - Style and Component Library for Angular2 and beyond!
  • prime-ng - The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
  • Wijmo 5 - Set of UI components for Angular2
  • Taiga UI - powerful set of open source components for Angular!
  • AgnosUI - Highly configurable headless framework agnostic component library
Material Based
Bootstrap Based
Tailwind CSS Based
  • Flowbite - Open-source UI components built with Tailwind CSS with support for Angular.
  • David UI Angular - Components library for enterprise-level projects based on Tailwind CSS and Angular.

UX Components

  • angular-shepherd - Angular 7 Service wrapping the site tour library Shepherd
  • Zoom Image Library - A little yet powerful framework agnostic headless-library to zoom image on the web
  • skyux - SKY UX components for Angular
  • ngx-ui-tour - ngx-ui-tour is a UI tour library inspired by angular-ui-tour.


Misc Components

  • @davidlj95/ngx-meta - Set your Angular site's metadata: standard meta tags, Open Graph, Twitter Cards, JSON-LD, ... Supports SSR (and Angular Universal). Use a service. Use routes' data. Set it up in a flash! 🚀
  • ng2-adsense - Easy AdSense for Angular Applications
  • ngx-countdown - Simple, easy and performance countdown for angular
  • @ngneat/transloco - 🚀 😍 The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
  • @tolgee/ngx - Web-based localization tool enabling users to translate directly in the Angular app they develop.
  • xng-breadcrumb - Zero config breadcrumb solutuon. A lightweight, configurable and reactive breadcrumbs for Angular 6 and beyond.
  • ng-let - Structural directive for sharing data as local variable into html component template.
  • ng-for-track-by-property - Angular global trackBy property directive with strict type checking.
  • ng-portal Component property connection in Angular application.
  • ng-lock Angular decorator for lock a function and user interface while a task running.
  • ng-generic-pipe Generic pipe for Angular application.


  • rxjs - Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript
  • learn-rxjs - Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS
  • rxjs-course - RxJs course from Angular University
  • redux-observable - RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics".
  • rxjs-challenge - A set of little RxJS puzzles to practice your Observable skills.


  • TypeScript Official Website for TypeScript
  • REPL Official TypeScript REPL that runs entirely in your browser
  • TypeScript Repository (GitHub) Official GitHub Repo for TypeScript
  • DefinitelyTyped Repository (GitHub) The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
  • typehero - Connect, collaborate, and grow with a community of TypeScript developers.
  • type-challenges - Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge.
  • typescript-challenges - A set of challenges helping you understand TypeScript
  • Sheriff - Lightweight Modularity for TypeScript Projects
  • Total Typescript Book - The companion repo for the upcoming Total TypeScript book.
  • ts-essentials - All essential TypeScript types in one place
  • trpc - Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
  • quicktype - Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL.
  • ts-pattern - The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.
  • ngx-mf - Bind your model types to angular FormGroup type
  • superstruct - A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
  • typebox - Json Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript.
  • zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.


Ionic is the beautiful, open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies.

  • Ionic Framework - Official Website for Ionic Framework
  • (Github) Ionic Framework - Github Repo of Ionic Framework
  • Ionic Academy - The fastest way to learn Ionic.
  • Elite Ionic - Advanced training for Angular developers who want to create NEXT LEVEL native web applications.
  • Ionic Themes - Tutorials and templates.
  • Ionic Start - Build web and native mobile applications with Ionic whilst learning modern reactive development with Angular


  • Security Guide - Brief security guidance including Preventing cross-site scripting (XSS), Sanitization and Content Security Policy.
  • Socket - Socket is a developer-first security platform that protects your code from both vulnerable and malicious dependencies.
  • Synk - Snyk is a developer security platform that integrates directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines.
  • Github - Code scanning is available for all public repositories on You can turn on secret scanning and use Code QL to secure your repos.
  • Github Skills - Guided interactive tutorials for Code Security and analysis are available.


  • casl-angular - Module which integrates isomorphic permissions management library CASL with Angular2+
  • ngx-auth-firebaseui - Angular Material UI component for firebase authentication
  • ngx-permissions - Permission and roles based access control for your angular(angular 2, angular 4,5+) applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible)
  • angular-auth-oidc-client - npm package for OpenID Connect, OAuth Code Flow with PKCE, Refresh tokens, Implicit Flow
  • angularx-social-login - Social login and authentication module for Angular 17
  • ms-identity-javascript-angular-tutorial - A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform using MSAL Angular v2.
  • angular2-jwt - Helper library for handling JWTs in Angular apps
  • auth0-angular - Auth0 SDK for Angular Single Page Applications
  • ng-universal - Angular Universal module for Nest framework (node.js)
  • angularfire - Angular + Firebase
  • supabase - Build a User Management App with Angular.
  • fingerprint - The Fingerprint Angular SDK is an easy way to integrate Fingerprint into your Angular application.
  • amplify - AWS Amplify streamlines full-stack app development. With its libraries, CLI, and services, you can easily connect your frontend to the cloud for authentication, storage, APIs, and more.



  • aws amplify
  • Vercel
  • Firebase Hosting - Angular Fire can help the process in deploying to Firebase Hosting.
  • Netlify - Angular applications on Netlify can benefit from integrations such as automatic framework detection and built-in redirects functionality.
  • angular-cli-ghpages - SSR does not work, and there can be some caveats, but you can host your Angular project on GitHub Pages.


  • angular update guide - Interactive guide to help you migrate from one version of Angular to another.
  • ng update - Use the CLI to update your project or try new Angular features by adding the --next flag.
  • migrations - Angular offers schematics to help update your project for you. You can convert your project to standalone components, the new control flow syntax, and more by using one of the Angular built-in schematics.

enjoy — PatrickJS and jdegand
